#60 Breakups, Dating, and Divorce with Elliott Davis – Dr. Kristie Overstreet | Certified Sex Therapist + Clinical Sexologist

with dr. kristie overstreet




#60 Breakups, Dating, and Divorce with Elliott Davis

Fix Yourself First - Episode 60

July 8, 2020

Are you going through or have experienced a breakup or divorce and wanting to get your life back on track? In this episode, Elliott Davis, a values-based relationship coach, shares his journey and insight into helping you find the love you’re looking for. He’s helped many people become more self-aware and find self-actualization, which has led to their best lives ever. He shares his journey of divorce, recovering himself, and committing to a new relationship that will leave you empowered and ready to create the new life you deserve. 

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Connect with Elliott Davis ElliottDavisCoaching.com | Instagram