What does your style say about you? Do you have a healthy physical image of yourself? In this episode, I’m chatting with Robin Fisher. She’s an image strategist that helps women, regardless of their size, shape, or age, have a personal style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous.
Don’t miss our discussion about:
- How her journey at 6 years old led her into her passionate career
- How we look and feel in our clothes affect our confidence
- How we can upgrade our professional image starting with baby steps
- How to feel more confident and attractive in our style
- How to figure out what colors we connect with to feel our best
- Why our style is how we communicate with the world
You’re going to learn a lot from this episode and I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.
Click here to listen!
Links Mentioned in this Episode
>> Dr. Kristie Instagram
>> PolishedImageandStyle.com
>> Robin Fisher Instagram
>> Robin Fisher Facebook
>> Robin Fisher Twitter
>> Robin Fisher LinkedIn