#44 Effective Emotional Management with Dr. Robert Cywes – Dr. Kristie Overstreet | Certified Sex Therapist + Clinical Sexologist

with dr. kristie overstreet




#44 Effective Emotional Management with Dr. Robert Cywes

Fix Yourself First - Episode 44

March 20, 2020

Ready to give your emotional self a workout? In this episode, Dr. Robert Cywes, shares how effort based emotional management can help every aspect of living a healthy life. Dr. Cywes is much more than a surgeon. He invests in every person he works with by helping them realize that they have the power to create the life they deserve.

We discuss obesity, carb addiction, dysfunctional relationships, and the need for healthy coping skills. Dr. Cywes addresses our need to realize that self-approval is self-care and explains how every person can benefit from a better relationship with their emotional management.

Dr. Robert Cywes
Office: (561) 517-0642