#78 Loss, Resilience, & Moving Forward with Rachael Braunshweiger – Dr. Kristie Overstreet | Certified Sex Therapist + Clinical Sexologist

with dr. kristie overstreet




#78 Loss, Resilience, & Moving Forward with Rachael Braunshweiger

Fix Yourself First - Episode 78

December 23, 2020

With all the craziness, stress, and chaos of 2020, it’s easy to forget what’s most important…which is the people in our lives that we love and cherish.

I don’t know about you but I’m extremely fortunate to have my family and friends still with me here today. I also have many people in my life that have passed away and any day but especially the holidays is tough.

But life keeps going and we deal with loss in different ways. It’s our resilience and motivation to keep putting one foot in front of the other that keeps us going.

I know you may be out there listening and experiencing a similar loss, especially around the holidays. That’s why I wanted to have Rachael Braunshweiger on the show. She is a mom, blogger, lifestyle influencer, podcast host, and award-winning entrepreneur. At thirty-six years old, Rachael endured the unthinkable when her husband, Jordan, was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Over the next five years, she was Jordan’s primary caregiver, traveling far and wide in search of treatments for this horrific disease. In the fall of 2019, Jordan lost his courageous battle, and Rachael was forced to start over. With the need to be resilient, especially for her two young daughters, Rachael turned the profound loss into hope and made overcoming adversity her life’s mission.

Determined to help women starting over find happiness, Rachael turned to Instagram and her successful blog, Guts & Gloss to empower others. Her most recent outlet is her new podcast “Seasoned & Blended” which Rachael co-hosts with her finance, Adam Potash. On the podcast, the newly-engaged couple discusses their blended family (6 kids in total!), divorce, loss, health, and of course embracing life’s many different chapters.

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